Today I finally got to go to the wave pool with the kids. I wanted to take them last week, but well as you might already know, I ended up cleaning poop out of underwear instead. So we went today. It was a really neat set up and really great for kids of all ages. The kids had an absolute ball, and I had to make the oldest one get out of the water so that we could leave. The youngest one would have stayed in all day too, except his lips were turning blue and he was shivering and shaking, so I took him out. I think that we will be frequenting that pool quite often.
So Ian (Matt's Dad) totally got me hooked on Skype. It is like the single greatest invention in the world! I love it like a fat kid loves cake! I had heard of it before, but never used it. I downloaded it and we talked on it today. It was great! The sound was better then on the phone, and the best part is it is all free! It was like we were sitting in the same room! I couldn't get over it. I will be using the hell outta that now. Thanks Ian!
I also ate my first passion fruit today. I know, I know you can get passion fruit in Canada too. However since they don't grow in Canada they aren't as available as they are here. So I had
Well before I depart for the evening I would like to give you an update on the Magpie vs Neighbor Woman saga. I know it has been a while since you last heard of them, but until today it has basically been the same thing. Bird flys into window, woman gets mad, woman chases bird away, bird comes back, bird flys into all know where this is going. So Monday I saw her and a man out and about in the yard. They were doing yard work and cleaning etc. I noticed that she removed all the CD's, boats, balloons, bags etc from her windows. I thought this was odd. Had the neighbor woman finally given in to the magpie?? Then I saw the man cleaning the windows. I thought this a silly act, as the bird would just dirty them again anyway. The bird even taunted them while they worked around the house. Sitting on the fence, making the occasional pass at the window. Making the woman even angrier. Then today! Today came the coup d'etat! I looked out my bedroom window and noticed that they had ever so slyly placed a row of spikes along the fence in front of all the windows of the h
Well that has been my hump day in a nutshell. Tomorrow is Christmas eve, but I don't think that means anything around here. I don't even think Santa comes to this house. Anyways I will post again on Friday. Peace!
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