So today it is going to be breif, cuz I don't really have too much interesting things to talk about. Although today was another good day. I think that my body is finally settling in here. I think the first week was horrible horrible jet-leg, then the second week was getting/got sick, now the third week I am starting to feel better. I have had more energy in the evenings, and am feeling better physically. The kids have finally stopped testing me (for the most part), and things are lookin wayyyy up.
So I had a little moment today when we were walking through the park from the bus stop. The oldest boy Liam loves feathers! He picks them up from the chickens, from the park, from wherever. So often as we are walking I am looking for interesting feathers. We always find white feathers and duck feathers in the park across from the house. I have notice however that there is a lot of different types of birds around here. They seem to have a much larger variety of wild birds then we do. Anyhow, as I looked down I saw a really colorful feather, and my first thought was that a child or somebody had dropped one of those craft feathers you can buy at the dollar store. I bent down to pick it up and noticed that it was not a craft feather, but a real feather from a bird. It was at that moment that I remembered where I am. Parrots are native here, and I often see groups of wild colorful parrots in the park. It is just strange to think about the small differences like that. I mean you very quickly get used to the big things like accents, driving on the other side etc. but it is at those moments like today in the park when you remember you are in an exotic, interesting and exciting place.
Oh development in the neighbor woman vs magpie war! Geeze this has become like a mini series. So while the boys were sleeping this afternoon. I was sitting in my room, researching bus routes for our picnic and trip to the aquarium, when I looked out to see the magpie hard at work. Then I saw the neighbor woman come flying out the door with a look to kill. I sat, intently watching the bird taunt her and just hop down the fence just out of her reach. Then she reached up and.................taped a small boat to the window!! Strangest thing ever! I am begining to think that the woman is as crazy as the damn bird. Why the hell would you put a frikin boat on the window. The CD's I can see because of the reflection, the balloon yes, because it moves and is big. But a boat??? Maybe her plan was that the bird would take the boat and sail somewhere far far away. Anyhow the m
agpie knocked the boat off the window with the constant flying into the window it proceded to do, and continued to fly into the window. Later I was talking to Peter about the woman and the saga that takes place in our own back yard. Then he said something interesting. He said, "I am begining to think that bird is the reason the old neighbors left. That bird has been doing that longer then those people have lived there, they just moved in before you got here." Could it be that this crazed magpie drove the old neighbors away?? This what seemed to be a funny little story has morphed into a possible mystery/terror novel. It certianly is peculiar. I mean why does it fly into the window to start with? How long has it been doing it? Why that house and no other? Why won't anything work to scare it off? Will the neighbor woman snap? Hmmm.........dunn, dunn, dunnnnnnnnnnnnn!
So breif?? Maybe not so much, but you all read to the end...haha
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