Hello! I am back! Well...back in the sense that I am writing again. I am not back, I am actually away and so let the blogging continue!! First I will tell you a little about my travel plans and what you can expect. I have struck out again in search of adventure and good times around the world, with my first stop being in Alberta for a few months. I will be spending the summer in Alberta working for a camp for kids with special needs that come from under privileged families. Then after the Labour Day weekend I will be taking off to New Zealand. I did bank in 2 weeks before I start work here in Alberta for hanging out with my friends and family. I don't start at the camp until the 25th.
So here is the story of my first couple days in Alberta, and without Moreeeny fail, it was interesting! I have also decided that the Moreeny's aren't actually cursed, as I once thought. We actually are extremely lucky! By this I mean although some crazy fucked up shit happens to our family, it always works out okay in the end. That is lucky! No one has ever died as a result of the weirdo shit that goes on. That is lucky! So it is no longer the Moreeeny curse, but the ass backward Moreeeny luck! My flight in was good. As good as flights can be I guess, and it is only 5 or so hours from Halifax so that isn't too bad. Although I was sitting there with an aching arse thinking, "How on earth did I do this for 16hrs?" I don't know what the answer to that is, but I do know that I have done it before and I can do it again in Sept. I arrived in Edmonton to meet my best friend Destiny at the airport and we made a good scene with a slow motion run and hug by the baggage claim. I was very excited to see her as it has been about 7 years since I saw her last. From the airport we drove to West Edmonton Mall to be mall rats for a bit. We had plans to meet up with a friend of Des' but not until later so we had some time to kill. We wandered around West Ed for a while and grabbed a bite to eat, then hung out under some trees listening to tunes. We had a cooler with some snacks and a bed in the back of the truck when we struck off to meet up with Greg, Destiny's friend.
We were to pick up Greg at his friends house in suburban Edmonton. Des doesn't know Edmonton that great, and well I am from Nova Scotia. However with my uber good navigating skills, and the help from Des' phone we were able to find the place with only one wrong turn. The key to a good navigator is not only being able to give good directions, but if they mess up, being able to get the driver back on track with little to no annoyance. I, am a GREAT navigator! So if I ever get to go on the Amazing Race, I will be taking applications for my partner ;). We picked up Greg and then were to meet some more people on Whyte Ave. for some Indian food, and we were debating going out. The navigation to Whyte Ave was a bit more hairy then trying to pick up Greg, but in the end we made it (thanks to me ;). We found a place to park, and we decided that we would probably end up going out for drinks after, which meant Des couldn't drive. We had made a bed in the back of the truck because we planned on camping out anyway, but I was slightly concerned about leaving my entire life neatly packed into a backpack for someone to run off with. So our great idea was to get a room at a hostel for the night because then I could lock my stuff up in a room for the night. This was a great idea.....in theory.
Lucky for us, right across the road was a hotel/bar. Living in Oz, I have seen these get ups all over and even stayed in them. It always worked out for the best. I mean when you are travelling you can't really expect the Ritz to be above a bar....ya know? So we walked in to inquire about a room. I guess the first warning sign would have been the sign that said "Cash only. Absolutely No Credit" and beside that there was a sign that said, "We are not responsible for lost or stolen items" I guess that is redflag one, et deux as to what kind of establishment this was. Actually I gue
ss we should have been tipped off by the number of street people sitting, around outside before we even talked in. But for $45 how could we say no! We paid the man, got our key, and headed up to see our digs for the night. We walked up the stairs, waved hello to the hooker on the stairs as we passed and found room 28, our home for the night. I had the key, and was first to enter. It was a simple room. Two beds, a table, a sink and two windows. I immediately called dibs on the bed with the least amount of cigarette burns in the sheets, and smirked arrogantly like I won some sort of prize. Indeed I did win a prize because I don't know if that was a general cum stain or hooker spit on Des' bed, all I know is it wasn't on mine! I set my stuff down on the table and we ripped the bed apart looking for bedbugs. Thank god there were none! I guess we have some sort of standard after all! I then wondered if my stuff would be safer in the truck then here??? I went out tried the lock on the door and everything seemed to be up to par in that area. Even still we set up some booby traps with our stuff to see if anyone had been rooting around while we went to dinner. With the traps set, a short prayer, and chugged beer from the cooler we set off to enjoy some Indian food!
The Indian place we were going to was apparently known for having a extremely wide selection of beer. So this East Coast gal was able to enjoy a Keiths with my dinner, boo-ya! The food was great, and we all had enough. After we ate, drank and were merry we headed back to the room to check the booby traps before heading out for a few drinks. Upon arrival back to the room we were pleasantly surprised that none of our stuff had been tampered with. All of the carefully placed items were exactly where we left them. This put our mind at ease a bit, that at the very least our stuff was safe.
Destiny and Greg are more into metal music then I, but we were planning on going to a metal bar called Filthy Mcnasty's. I thought it was pretty fitting, considering the situation. We started off down
Whyte Ave to enjoy some nightlife. As we were walking down the road we could hear an infectious sound in the street. As we got closer we noticed a small little band playing under an awning. They had such a great sound, that we stayed and danced in the rain for a bit on the sidewalk. We carried on down the road and came upon where we were going. It was a small bar, smelled of incense and was a sea of leather and long hair. I was extremely tired due to not sleeping for the week before I came coupled with jetlag, so I mainly chilled at a table. Des went out for a smoke and when she came in she showed why others think Canadians know everyone in Canada. This guy she met smoking turned out to be from East Hants and hung out in Canning sometimes! It is a small world afterall! After a few drinks we left and headed back to the room to catch some shut eye. I slept very little, and was sure to pull back all the sheets and not use any of them to cover up, just slept on top.
We were up bright and early and ready to get on the road because we were headed to Stettler to pick up Destiny's mom and then off to Drumheller for the day. We grabbed some coffee for the road and set off. We got to Drumheller around noon, and stopped and had something to eat bef
ore our long day of sight seeing. Drumheller is very cool! The landscape was amazing! I got to go to the top of the worlds largest dinosaur, visit the Hoo Doos, go to the museum, and look out over horse thief canyon. It was so good to spend some time with Debbie, it has been 9 years since I saw her and it was a great day! We had a lot of laughs, good food and just all around fun. After we dropped Deb off in Stettler it was a long 3 hour drive back to Drayton Valley. I was so tired it felt like I was drunk, and big props to Destiny for keeping it together and getting us home safely. We arrived home and I passed out in my bed, not waking up until late morning the next day.
The week so far has been pretty slow, but I am enjoying the down time.
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