Many of you comment on how well written this blog is (Thank you by the way). Most of the time I don't even think about what I am writing, I just start writing and it flows as it goes. Today however I can not guarantee that it will be well written. I am falling over tired, but don't want to leave this until tomorrow.
This was a great weekend. Saturday morning I headed off to meet Richard in the city and we were going to go from there to Bondi. They had a huge surfing competition at Bondi Friday through to Sunday, so we thought we would check that out before doing the Bondi to Coogee walk. So we went to the beach but the competition was less then exciting, and we didn't stay long at the beach. Instead we went up to the Bavarian Bier Cafe and had some noon time beers. Beer lunch is the best kind of lunch really. After drinking a big beer, we didn't feel much like walking a few kilometers, but did it anyways. The walk was nice, but both Richard and
I agreed that it was not as nice as the Manly to Spit hike. First of all this wasn't really like a hike at all. It more or less was like walking down the sidewalk or boardwalk. There were tons of people and it was super public. The coastline views were so nice though. The water and rocks form a perfect blend of beauty to please the eye and tickle the soul. Since I come from a coastal province I love the sea. I love the smell of the salt water and the breeze it brings with it. There were many little beaches a long the way with people in the water, swimming, surfing and enjoying the day. It didn't take a very long time to get to Coogee and it was a nice walk. After eating lunch we decided to catch the bus to Circular Quay and head over to Manly. So after a bit of travel we spent the rest of the day in Manly. After visiting the Bavarian Bier
Cafe in Manly we decided it would be a good idea to go to the bottle shop and get beer. We also decided to have a BBQ at the lagoon behind Richard's house. So we went to Coles and bought some meat. Oh meat, how I miss thee. We got some burgers and sausages, some bean salad, bread rolls for dinner. The BBQ was such a great idea! How could you ever go wrong with beer, meat, BBQ and two super awesome people!? We cooked our dinner and drank beer and had a grand time at the lagoon as night fell. After consuming our first pack of beer I thought it would be a good idea to go and get some more. So we rushed to the bottle shop before it closed and then went back to Richards to watch some New Zealand soap opera and drink beers :). Some where a long the line we decided to go out and hit up the town and drink more of course. So we headed out to the bar and drank shitty beer. We sat for a long time and people watched. We sat and made up stories about what we would predict these people were like. What their history was, why they were out that night, lots of stuff. It was a hoot! Of course we drank way to much and stumbled back to Richards at some ungodly hour. I vaguely remember that we were going
to go swimming in the ocean, but then decided against that, lol. We didn't end up going to sleep until about 5ish in the morning, and spent some time talking with Chad, one of the roomates, about the new Hoover he bought, lol. So around 9 o'clock when I woke up on the lumpiest futon I have ever slept on, I was feeling pretty terrible. I was tired and felt like I got hit by a truck. Luckily I have discovered that the best cure for a hangover is in fact Australia. We had a lazy sunday Aussie style! We went to the beach and layed on the sand. Then we were going to go in the water but they had a blue bottle warning. The blue bottles are like jellyfish type things with great big long stingers on them. It hurts like hell if you get stung, but it won't kill you. Again, I was glad we rethunk our plan to go drunken swimming in an ocean filled with stinging animals. After the beach we sauntered around Manly stopping at bakeries, chocolate bars and smoothie shops. Then we ended up sitting on the grass under a tree next to the water. This is really the best way to spend a hung over day! I took the ferry and trains home, falling asleep on both :).
Now I am done writing this, and I am going to bed. I am so tired I can barely hold my eyes open. Who knows what next weekend will bring :)
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