So I didn't post at all last weekend because I was so depressed. Last week was so hot, and sunny and I had semi hope for the weekend. The past couple weekends have been horrible horrible rain that has prevented me from doing many things. Actually I thought about it and since I arrived (almost 3 months ago) I have had one sunny weekend to myself. There has been sun through the week, but only one sunny weekend that it did not rain in the 3 months that I have been here. Anyways this past weekend was such a piss off. Come 6 o'clock on Friday evening the clouds rolled in and the rain started pouring. It was if mother nature said, "Oh shit look at the time, it is the start of Jessica's weekend. Let er rip boys, open the flood gates!" Fuckin bitch, who likes that bi-polar hag anyways? So Friday night it poured and poured and poured. I am not talking like rain we get in Canada I am talking rain like you have never seen before. Like flash flooding, bullshit, bounces off the pavement type rain.
On Saturday the kiddos had a birthday party to go to. I was told I was invited as well, to which I replied, "Are you effing kidding! I left my job in daycare to avoid large groups of children. I am not going to voluntarily put myself in among a gaggle of sugar tweaking 4 year olds." Earlier in the week tho, I u
sed my creative skills to whip up a little treat for the boys to impress the birthday girl with. Ya know give them a little edge on the competition. I added the picture of the candy sushi we made for the birthday. They turned out pretty cute. Anyways, so Saturday I was feeling a bit shitty and down because it again was raining. It wasn't beat you silly rain, but raining pretty steady. So what else do you do when you are feeling down? Go get drunk, that's what! Saturday evening I set off for the bottle shop (liquor store) to get some pre bar bevvies, with my umbrella in tow. I said "No, fuck you mother nature you wretched bitch, I will not let your mild rain get me down! No I won't!" To which mother nature replied, " Ya wanna bet!" I made it to the liquor store, which side note I would like to add that the guy that works there Friday and Saturday nights would know me by name already if I bothered to tell him, lol. Anyhow I left the liquor store and started to walk home. Well sir did the rain ever come down! It was raining so hard that the rain drops were actually coming through my umbrella. There were no spaces between rain drops, it was just heavy streams of water coming from the sky. I had to take my shoes off because my feet kept slipping in my flip flops and I would have fell. A few times I stood under a tree with my umbrella up just to get a break for half a second. As I was walking down the side walk, barefoot, looking like a drown rat a young man was pulling out of his driveway. He paused for a second seeing me caught in this awful flash of rain, and looked at me as if to say, "Oh that's a sin, I should give that poor girl a drive." I looked at him as if to say, "Yea ya should!" But alas he continued to pull out and drive away. I trudged on, walking through water rushing down the sidewalk that was over my ankles. Then I saw that same young man double back and stop his car a little ways away from me on the other side of the road. I thought, oh geeze he is going to offer me a ride. You could see the guilt on his face, he felt bad for me as he watched me walk by his warm dry car, but soon after I passed that warm dry car he put her in drive and kept on going. I walked a bit more, then I saw through the wall of water, that same car and man coming towards me, this time on my side of the road. But alas he only stared at me as he drove by, and never did offer me that drive. So I arrived home soaked to my skivies, and peeled off my clothes at the front door (it was a good thing no one was home ;)). Then Saturday night I went to the local club and drank wayyyy too much. I made it home without spending my cab money, and I am pretty sure I didn't walk. None the less I spent Sunday sleeping the day away because I stumbled in the door at about 5:30am.
This week has been average, nothing special to talk about really. Found out from a 3 year old that God wears a wetsuit and has club hands. He also told me that Jesus wasn't very smart for not wearing a life jacket on the boat. To which I replied that it was okay because Jesus can walk on water! lol Other then that it as been pretty average I guess.
Now for my WTF Mate segment of this blog. Today I bring you pre-made pancakes in a bag. Yup that is what I said. You can find these gems in the bread section of your local supermarket, they come six in a bag. Don't be mistaken, these are not like frozen eggos. These are pancakes that someone has made, then put into a plastic bag and now they are sitting on my supermarket shelf. To you A
ussies I ask, WTF mate!?! This is one of the grossest things I have ever seen. Who in the world would ever ever buy that shit! I have thought about staking out the grocery store just to catch someone in the act of purchasing this trash. I would ask them what in the world was wrong with their brain, and are they mentally challenged. Pancakes are not hard to make. Flour, eggs, baking powder and milk is just about it. Even if you didn't want to go to the 'trouble' of making them from scratch, they sell mixes for that shit man! Just add water. At least then they are warm and fresh. I know that there are some things that really do taste better the next day, such as Pizza, but Pancakes! Really? I think it is sick, and I have no effing clue why someone would buy these. I guess they figure that since they don't have decent syrup around here why make the effort for the pancakes. I would just go without myself.
Well there you have it, the blog for today. Tomorrow I am off to Port McQuarie with the fam. I wouldn't normally go, but I get a camel ride and soak in the hot tub in exchange, so I will make the trade I guess. I dunno if I will have much internet time while we are there, but I will update you on Monday night when I get home.
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