So here I am....I made it. I wish I could say that I was more excited to be here, however at the moment, I am not. I have only slept about 8 hours in the past 3-4 days, so being over tired does not help. Plus I had no idea how homesick I would be right away. I am having trouble with the time difference and not being able to talk to people on the phone very often. I have only had a breif conversation with my Mom and thats it. I tried to call someone else, but miscalculated the time difference and gave them a shitty wake up call (still sorry about that). Not to mention that I had kinda a shitty send off, and just have a lot on my mind. So all those things combined make me want to curl up and sleep the next 6 months away. I am sure I will feel better in time, it is just different. Oh and to top things off we are going camping this weekend, actually in like 45mins we are leaving to drive to the campsite. Not that I am complaining about being here but geeze louise I just got here, I have the worst jet-lag ever, I miss my family and friends, so hey lets stay up late, drive into the night so that I can sleep on a camp bed in a place with no cell coverage or internet! Sounds like a perfect plan to make me feel comfortable eh? I think that I am being more harsh because of the lack of sleep.
On another note, my travel here went okay but not great. Since I only had a short time between flights anyways I knew it would be tight. Then we were 45 minutes late leaving Halifax so all my connections were made Amazing Race style with me running across strange airports and arriving at my gate as they were bording. But the main thing is that I made it! I am very tired so I am keeping this breif, I will let you know how the camping went on Monday.
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