Today I am feeling much better about being here. I had a very welcomed phone call this morning and it really lifted my spirits for the day. I am still very jet-legged and I am hoping to get over that soon. I do feel better each day, but it is a big adjustment for sure.
The picture I posted on here is a picture of the river where we were camping. It was really quite nice there, however I think I would have enjoyed it more if I wasn't reeling form such a long trip and being plunked in the middle of a country I have never been before and barely know the people I am with. We drove at night to beat the heat of the day so that meant me staying up late into the day(about 1 am). I was so freakin tired I couldn't see straight. The family I am staying with are members of a 4 wheeling club. Although we actually didn't get to go 4-wheeling on this trip (I was a smidge dissapointed) we did go down a really windy dirt road with a large drop off on one side. The area was nice with a river for swimming in, and there were heaps of nice people around with there families. So funny story...before we went Peter assured me that on this property there were lots and lots of Kangaroos. I would be able to see a Kangaroo on the first weekend in Australia. Well the only kangaroo I saw was flying under the passenger side tires at about 75 clicks as we mowed it over! No before you go making comments, the reason we hit the kangaroo was because we swerved to avoid a really big wombat and the kangaroo jumped out in front of us. However that was the only Kangaroo I was able to catch a glimpse of that weekend. I would have like to explore the property a bit more, but maybe some other time.
I am still feeling rather homesick, and it already feels like I have been here for a long time. Although I can hardly believe that it is almost December and soon enough it will be the new year. Charli(mom) told me that I would have a week off in January because her mom is coming to stay. Hopefully this week I will be able to head up to the Great Barrier Reef.
Yesterday I went with the family to Parklea market. It is a HUGE weekend market near the house. It was so much to take in and the kids were tired and hungry so I didn't get a good look at a lot of stuff, but I plan on walking up this weekend, sans kiddies. They had everything and anything you could ever want at this market from budgie birds to bras, veggies and electronics. It was pretty intimadating when we first went in. All of a sudden people are hollering at you from their booths, showing you things and trying to sell their goods. It was crowed, noisy and smelly (some good smells, such as the spices and such) but it really was an interesting place with great deals. So some of you should possible expect purchases from Parklea market ;).
Today I have spent more time with the boys. They are testing me, as I expected, but so far nothing I can't handle. The other thing I am adjusting to is the weirdo noises their weirdo birds make outside the window and in the back yard etc. They have some strange creatures around here that is for sure.
Finally today I would like to say thanks to the people that have been sending me messages on facebook. It really means a lot to me and helps me to get through the tough days. So keep em comin!